First Revision of the National Planning Framework

Statement from Government in relation to the First Revision of the National Planning Framework5th March 2024

The Government have today, 5th March 2024, agreed to the deferral of the approval of a revised National Planning Framework and have set out a revised timeline for the process.

Pursuant to Section 20C (5)(b) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended), Government have published a statement explaining why the Government has decided not to revise the Framework. The Statement also includes a revised timeline.

The revised timeline for the revision process will involve publication of the draft revised NPF and accompanying technical assessments for national public consultation in June 2024.  This will be followed by an Amendment Stage in August 2024 for review and consideration of the submissions received and the application of any relevant amendments. The finalised document will be published, subject to approval, in September 2024.

The Statement from Government is available to view here:

Report of Expert Group for the First Revision of the National Planning Framework

On 20th June 2023, Government gave approval to commence the process of undertaking the First Revision of the National Planning Framework (NPF), in accordance with Section 20C (5) of the Planning and Development Act, 2000 (as amended) and to publish the Road Map for the First Revision .

An Expert Group comprising three independent experts with experience of spatial planning, economic and social development and environmental protection, was established in March 2023. The Expert Group was requested by the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, to provide a high-level overview of the NPF, published in 2018, and identify matters to be considered in the first statutory revision of the NPF.

The Expert Group submitted their report to Minister O’Brien on 16th August 2023 and it will now inform the preparation of an ‘Issues Paper’ which is currently in development for stakeholder consultation.

You can view “Report of Expert Group for the First Revision of the National Planning Framework” via the site.

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