Draft Revision of National Planning Framework open for public consultation
Government has agreed to the publication of a draft first revision of the National Planning Framework (NPF) for public consultation. The NPF is the overarching policy and planning framework for the social, economic and cultural development of Ireland to 2040.
The Draft Revision of the NPF focuses on the need to update the Framework (introduced in 2018) in order to appropriately reflect changes to Government policy that have taken place since its initial publication six years ago, such as climate transition, regional development, demographics, digitalisation and investment and prioritisation.
The Planning and Development Act 2000, as amended, gives a statutory underpinning to the NPF that is now reaffirmed through the Planning and Development Bill, 2023 which provides for a strengthened plan-led system based on an integrated hierarchy of plan-making, with the NPF at the apex of that hierarchy.
The Draft Revision has been published here and members of the public are encouraged to share their views by making a submission on the draft as part of the public consultation process. Public consultation on the draft will run from today, 10th July 2024 to 5pm on 12th September 2024. An information campaign (including broadcast, print digital and social media) will also run to raise awareness of the consultation process and to encourage the public to engage with the draft revision.
The draft revised framework retains the original NPF focus on a more balanced distribution of growth across all of Ireland’s regions – emphasising the potential for regional growth to harness the attractiveness and assets of all regions and places to a greater extent than ever before. Emerging changes in population distribution across the regions detailed in Census 2022 are encouraging. In terms of regional growth, the pattern is one of all three regions growing and in addition, every county in Ireland saw population growth in Census 2022. While recent Census data indicates a greater rate of natural population increase in Dublin and the mid-east and that the transition to balanced regional development is taking time to materialise, the revised draft remains strongly focused on ensuring equitable growth between the East and Midlands and the rest of the country.
The revised draft also retains the original NPF commitment to the promotion of city-based population and employment growth with a target of 50% of future population and employment growth to be focused in the existing five cities and their suburbs including ambitious growth targets for the cities of Cork, Limerick, Galway and Waterford. Greater investment and jobs-led growth in the cities will support a stronger urban structure and enhanced economic performance and investment for the respective wider regions.
Once finalised, the revised National Planning Framework will be incorporated into the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategies and the City and County Development Plans, including through updated Housing Supply Targets.
Speaking today, the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien TD emphasised:
“The world has changed significantly since the NPF was first published in 2018, and we must ensure our national planning strategy is appropriate for our current and future needs. These changes need to be reflected in the NPF as they impact on how we plan for the country’s growth and development, particularly in relation to our growing and changing population and our climate action commitments.
“While we are revising the National Planning Framework to reflect today’s realities, some things remain consistent. We are absolutely focused on delivering greater regional balance for the future growth of our country and we remain committed to driving growth in all of our cities – seeing them as key engines of regional development.
“Crucially, a revised framework will guide our continued momentum in housebuilding. Supply is increasing with more than 110,000 new homes delivered since 2020, the year this Government took office. We also know the pipeline is extremely strong with work beginning on 52,000 new homes in the past 12 months. We aim to ramp up supply in the coming years and a revised planning framework will provide a roadmap to direct that activity.
“The draft updated NPF is now published and available for the public and all interested parties to consider – and, indeed, to make their own views known. This consultation is an important next step in shaping the final version of the revised NPF and I would strongly encourage anyone interested to make a submission.”
Minister of State with responsibility for Planning and Local Government, Alan Dillon TD added:
“The revised NPF will be a key blueprint setting out the future infrastructural needs as we continue to develop as a country. The draft revised strategy is focused on supporting the current policy approach which promotes regional development and the development of rural towns and villages through managed and sustainable growth. As our population continues to grow, 50:50 regional balance between our major cities and rural regional towns is essential to ensuring rural Ireland prospers at the same rate as our cities.
“I am pleased to note that the importance of providing community infrastructure including education, childcare and healthcare facilities, as well as recreational facilities such as parks, has been highlighted as a significant necessity for the creation of sustainable communities. The potential for these types of infrastructure to act as enablers for housing, with the need for timely delivery of facilities, is signalled in the draft NPF revision. I look forward to seeing a strong public engagement as we enter the public consultation phase.”
Further Information
In 2018, the National Planning Framework (NPF) replaced the National Spatial Strategy as the overall spatial planning and development strategy for Ireland. The NPF, together with the National Development Plan 2021, combine to form Project Ireland 2040, the overarching policy and planning framework for the social, economic and cultural development of Ireland.
The NPF sets out high-level national policies and objectives, which are essential to achieving proper planning and sustainable development, with a clear vision to guide future development and investment decisions.
Government approved the process to commence the First Revision of the NPF in June 2023. A Roadmap was published alongside this decision outlining the process and timeline for the revision process, available to view here.
The Draft First Revision to the National Planning Framework
Expert Group Report on the National Planning Framework Published
The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien, TD, has welcomed the publication of the Expert Group Report in relation to the First Revision of the National Planning Framework (NPF).
The Expert Group, comprising three independent experts with experience of spatial planning, economic and social development and environmental protection, was established in March 2023. The Expert Group was requested by the Minister to provide a high-level overview of the NPF, published in 2018, and to identify matters to be considered in the first statutory revision of the NPF.
Government formally commenced the process to undertake the First Revision of the NPF in June 2023, and the process is due to be completed in April 2024.
The Expert Group’s Report summarised that the NPF Revision should build on the current NPF strategy and strengthen it in three broad respects:
- Compact growth targets should be more ambitious and more clearly defined;
- The roles of the bodies involved in its implementation should be clarified and strengthened (particularly in relation to Metropolitan Area Strategic Plans) and mechanisms put in place for more detailed measurement and monitoring of its progress; and
- There should be greater coordination at whole of government level across all infrastructure projects (including the NDP) and new efforts made to generate broader support for national spatial planning across all of society.
The Report has highlighted a total of thirteen recommendations, categorised generally under the following headings:
- Settlement Strategy and Compact Growth;
- Investment and Prioritisation;
- Implementation and Monitoring;
- Support Measures for National Spatial Planning; and
- Miscellaneous Recommendations
In welcoming the report Minister O’Brien said:
“This Report is an important signpost in the First Revision to the National Planning Framework and provides clarity on what should be the focus for this revision. I wish to thank the members of the Expert Group for their valuable contribution, expertise and commitment with this body of work.
“I am giving careful consideration to the recommendations of the Expert Group, as the revision process provides the opportunity to develop the national planning policy agenda to shape Ireland’s future growth and development in the years ahead.”
The Minister of State for Local Government and Planning, Kieran O’Donnell TD, emphasised the value of the report to the revision process:
“In completing this Report, the members of the Expert Group have undertaken a comprehensive review which will be instrumental in informing the debate and discussion with key stakeholder groups specifically established for the revision process, including the reconvened Planning Advisory Forum. I look forward to engaging with the Forum members on the Expert Group report and advancing to the next stage of the revision process over the coming weeks.”
The Expert Group submitted their Report to Minister O’Brien on 16th August 2023 and it will now inform the preparation of an ‘Issues Paper’ which is currently in development for stakeholder consultation.
This process will also inform the preparation of the draft NPF Revision, which will be subject to Oireachtas engagement and scrutiny by the Joint Oireachtas Committee. The draft revision will be published for consultation in December 2023.
All relevant information pertaining to the revision will be available on the dedicated website, accessible at www.npf.ie .
NPF Implementation Roadmap – Click to enlarge Circular FPS 05-2018 – Urban Renegeration and Development Fund – Call for Proposals Circular FPS 04-2018 – Implementation Roadmap for the National Planning Framework
Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF) – Call for Proposals
URDF Advertisement – Click to enlarge As part of Project Ireland 2040, the Government announced the establishment of a new Urban Regeneration and DevelopmentFund (URDF), primarily to support the compact growth and sustainable development of Ireland’s five cities and other large urban centres.
The Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government (DHPLG) has responsibility for implementing the URDF, which has an allocation of €2 billion in the National Development Plan (NDP) to 2027, primarily to support the compact growth and sustainable development of Ireland’s five cities and other large urban centres.
In line with the objectives of the National Planning Framework (NPF), the Fund is designed to leverage a greater proportion of residential and commercial development, supported by infrastructure, services and amenities, within the existing built ‘footprint’ of our larger settlements.
Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF) – Call for ProposalsRead More »
New Publications
Strategic Environment Assessment (SEA) Statement
SEA Statement (Click to view the publication) As required under EU legislation, the Government carried out a number of environmental assessments of the draft National Planning Framework. These included a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), an Appropriate Assessment (AA) in relation to the EU Habitats Directive, and also a Strategic Flood Risk Appraisal (SFRA).
These assessments were taken into consideration in the finalisation of the Framework document and the document complies with the requirements of the Directive 2001/42/EC on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programmes on the environment (the SEA Directive) as implemented in Ireland through the European Communities (Environmental Assessment of Certain Plans and Programmes) Regulations (S.I. No. 435 of 2004), as amended, and the Planning and Development (Strategic Environmental Assessment) Regulations 2004 (S.I. No. 436 of 2004), as amended.
Reimagining our Country:
Government launches €116bn
Project Ireland 2040Issued by the Government Press Office
- First time in Irish history that Planning & Investment have been linked
- Four new funds totalling €4bn for rural & urban growth, climate action & innovation
- Major transport focus linking all parts of Ireland & filling gaps in North West
- €22bn climate change programme as well as major public transport investment
- Preparing Ireland for Brexit by investing in the future & targeting at risk sectors
Project Ireland 2040 National Planning Framework (Click to view) An Taoiseach, Leo Varadkar and the Government today launched a €116 billion plan to re-imagine Ireland and prepare for the future following a special Cabinet meeting at the Institute of Technology in Sligo.
In front of an audience of college students, the Cabinet unveiled Project Ireland 2040 which aims to build their Ireland of tomorrow, and prepare for a future society which will have an extra one million people, and 660,000 more people at work.
…Reimagining our Country:
Government launches €116bn
Project Ireland 2040Read More »
Prospects for Irish Regions and Counties: Scenarios and Implications Economic and Social Research Institute ( ESRI) Research Series No.70
The ESRI research, published today, provides projections for regions and counties across Ireland up to the year 2040, examining what will happen if current spatial planning patterns continue (known as the Business as Usual approach), and what would happen in a range of alternative scenarios. Under the alternative scenarios, the broad regional distribution of population, jobs and employment growth has been considered. The research and modelling, carried out by the ESRI as part of this research project, has been used to inform the growth strategy for the NPF, with the Business as Usual approach providing a baseline from which the other alternative future scenarios were developed. From this an optimal scenario was considered and applied to the NPF.
Submission Deadline
Submissions on Ireland 2040 – Our Plan, draft National Planning Framework are no longer being accepted. The deadline for receipt of submissions was 12pm, Friday November 10th 2017.
Submission Deadline Extended
The closing date for submissions has been extended until 12 Noon on Friday 10th November 2017. See the Share Your Views page for details on how to make your submission.