The publications listed below are available in Acrobat PDF format. If you do not have a copy of the program that allows you to view Acrobat PDF files you can download it by clicking here.

The background publications and research reports on The National Spatial Strategy are also available. Click on the relevant links in the menu bar to the left.

Click here to download the full text of the National Spatial Strategy in PDF format. (4mbs)

The Strategy can also be downloaded in PDF format section by section:

Preliminaries and Contents (45kb)
Section 1: What is the National Spatial Strategy? (97kb)
Section 2: Ireland’s Changing Spatial Structure (564kb)
Section 3: Ireland – Future Spatial Structure (1.6mb)
Section 4: How each region will participate in the NSS (566kb)
Section 5: Location of development: Policies (192kb)
Section 6: Implementing the National Spatial Strategy (459kb)
Section 7: Conclusion (41kb)
Appendices (556kb)

Click here to download the Summary Guide to the National Spatial Strategy in PDF format (420kb)